Delivering free Mental Health services across underserved regions in Lebanon through the Mobile Mental Health Clinic (MMHC) and increasing Outreach & Access to Primary Health Care Centers.


In Lebanon, mental health issues pose significant challenges, with one suicide occurring every 2.5 days, and 1 in 4 adults requiring mental health treatment noting that cultural taboos and societal stigmas contribute to underreporting.
The country's ongoing socio-economic and political crises worsen risk factors for mental illness, and the healthcare system is still struggling to meet the growing demands, especially in underserved areas. Barriers like social stigma, costs, and limited awareness hinder access to care. Embrace’s Mobile Mental Health Clinic aims to address these challenges by providing essential and free mental health consultations and raising awareness in underserved regions, offering psychiatric services to adults without any barriers, while linking beneficiaries to primary health care centers to strengthen sustainable access to local resources and primary networks.


The mobile mental health clinic serves communities across Lebanon through a number of services including:
  • Offering free psychiatric consultations and psychoeducation to beneficiaries experiencing mental health problems
  • Referring beneficiaries to the nearest Primary Health Care Centers (PHCCs) to ensure ongoing access to services and medications.
  • Supplying beneficiaries with prescribed medications at no cost through Embrace’s collaboration with PHCCs

The mobile unit aims to address gaps in accessing PHCCs with integrated mental health services, expanding the reach of mental health care. Embrace supports PHC centers, through the YMCA, by providing psychiatric medications, ensuring beneficiaries receive consistent medical treatments.
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